Finally, we can start talking shop. Now that we have a general theory let us talk about application. I am going to have 2-3 options: manuals only, low- tension device, and high-tension device routines. This is to accommodate your preferences. But I recommend that everyone uses manuals during the first three months to get accustomed to their body.
I gained 1 inch by just stretching in the shower for 20 minutes while in my teens. My business partner, Hink, only did stretches and pumped. It will still be highly effective. Devices make the whole thing less tedious, not necessarily more effective.
Every routine will have specific malleability work to prime the tissue. Followed by a fatigue phase that maximizes collagen failure. Followed by strain to elongate the tissue to the target zone. Finally, we will finish with light expansion work.
The Tunica work will be hands-on. This will be comprised of bends and massages to get the growth factors from sheer stress. The Fatigue Phase will be many short sets to get the tissue to give into the stimulus and out of the expected working range. The strain phase is what brings the tissue beyond normal, actually causing the elongation. And the expansion phase is to add angiogenic stimulus to help pack in the new space we created with working erectile tissue.
Unlike typical PE, our focus is always maximizing recovery. This routine will be every other day. You will be tempted to do more but trust me, as someone who chronically overworked their junk. Once we get in range, we want to let the body do its thing.
Additionally, since soft tissue strength adaptation takes 6-8 weeks, we can assume that the tissue will be at its most fatigued state 3-4 weeks into our training block. It is a good idea to recover. Reset the strength adaptation window, but more importantly, let the collagen fibroblast heal and grow in this downtime. I had some of my most insane nocturnal erections during this time.
What to Look For
Positive indications of growth are pretty simple. We want a highly active penis. We get erect easily; sometimes randomly. Arousal response tends to be faster. But your nocturnal erections will be a primary indicator, aside from changes in the ruler. Hink has pointed out to me that men on medication that affects libido will not have as strong of indicators as a man not on medication. Certain anti-depressants and Finasteride will be the main culprits.
To track session effectiveness, we need to follow two metrics. First, the strain rate formula is:
I measure the pre-session length on the first set of the fatigue phase. I then check it intermittently throughout my session. On paper, once you hit a 4-6 percent strain range hold the strain for 10 minutes and you are done for the day.
The fatigue rate formula is your:
We need this number beyond 2% as the working range of collagen is about 2% strain, so going beyond that after a session shows we achieve high levels of fatigue.
You do not need to measure every session. Once you get the hang of it.
Measure 1-2 times a week to make sure you have a stimulus.
If you are beyond 6% strain, you are either measuring wrong or not accounting for equipment slippage. If neither is the case, lighten up your workload.
If you drop below 2% fatigue post-session, you need rest as you generate a lot of cumulative fatigue, which means it’s easier for you to stretch your existing tissue. Still, we are getting to the point where this tissue needs to be recovered. I noticed a drop-in fatigue rate about days 17-19 in my tracking. You will be different than me, but it aligns nicely with the idea of taking a week off every four weeks.
Negative signs all revolve around stress and overwork. First, tight and shrivel flaccid. This is a stress response. There is some debate in the first 3-4 weeks if it should be expected as PE is generally stressful. But if it persists beyond week 6, you are likely overworking.
“Turtling” after a session is a dead giveaway from overwork. Cut back next time. We are not expecting a huge flaccid every time, but your flaccid should progressively improve month after month, barring any pelvic floor issues.
Weaker Erection Quality for days after a session. It should be expected a slight drop in erection quality should occur right after a session. However, it should resolve within 4-6 hours, and with the added temporary flexibility, you should see a 1-2% increase in usable length on training days when very aroused. However, if you have persistent erection issues. This is a clear sign of overwork.
Soreness, anything slightly tender because the skin is stretched, is a sign of overwork. You should seldom be sore after PE, and during, for that matter. Like with an Intense session where you can feel the pressure more than before, especially if you orgasmed recently, but aside from the aforementioned skin soreness, we should not be sore in the core of our penis.
On the other side of the same coin is a loss in sensation. When your body is chronically fatigued, it dulls nerves because your central nervous system interprets it as static. I noticed this during my initial trial and error for this routine. 3 weeks in, I noticed a dulling sensation in my glans. It was minor. But it is also a sign you need a week off.
Temporary numbness is normal after vacuum hanging, but the sensation should return within 40 mins of the end of your session.