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Combining Bathmate And SizeGenetics

Combining Bathmate And SizeGenetics

Combining Bathmate and SizeGenetics produces amazing results, but the results delivered by both devices can only benefit people who have used both devices for a period of more than 6 months. Below are some useful tips you can apply that will enable you get numerous benefits from using the two male enhancement devices.

Tips for SizeGenetics

Some men who have never used a penis extender like SizeGenetics before may find it a little difficult to stay in the Extender system. Here is a simple suggestion: Before putting on the SizeGenetics Extender, make sure your dick is warm enough and partially erect. This enables some fresh blood to flow into your penile shaft while making girth bigger. Furthermore, you may also get into a 5-6 minute session with your Bathmate as this makes your girth bigger in readiness for the session. This tip is useful for individuals who do not have sufficient girth necessary to last 60 minutes while wearing the SizeGenetics system.

Longer or extended sessions may cause slight pinching although this is quite rare. If you want to prevent this from happening, it is recommended that you purchase the complete system. The foam ring, for instance will come in handy if you experience pinching. If you put it below your penis, no pinching will be happen.

Slippage will be non-existent if you try out this simple tip. Fold about 3 layers of toilet paper neatly and place it within the plastic section that holds your dick. Doing this gives you more girth and more friction. As a result, your penis will be held in place so that it does not slip when you wear it for longer periods of time.

Tips For Bathmate

Bathmate is designed to make penile tissue expand. This process is made possible when cell division occurs after which more grows and you end up getting a thicker dick. So, use very hot water on your dick’s skin. Hot water is better for tissue and girth expansion.

In case you are not getting good enough suction, consider trimming your pubic hair. Better results are achieved when the pubic hair is completely shaven when using Bathmate. Hair should also be trimmed from the balls as well. Shaving hair will certainly make some big improvements when it comes to suction.

Discoloration may be slight. However, if you do not want any form of discoloration, begin the session with Bathmate by pumping until you feel pressure pulling your dick in your penis device. Do not pump again until the pressure is gone. Begin pumping again as soon as you feel the pressure is reducing. Repeat this process until there is no more water exiting the cylinder. Pumping slower is an effective way of preventing discoloration.

Combining Bathmate and SizeGenetics will definitely produce impressive results. Bathmate will make your girth bigger while SizeGenetics will help your penis become longer. So, if you want to get more from your favorite male enhancement devices, apply the tips mentioned above and you will be amazed by the results that occur after just a few weeks.

Read more about All New Bathmate Hydromax here!