Tag Archives: How To Satisfy A Woman

How To Satisfy A Woman In Bed

How To Satisfy A Woman In Bed

Most men experience challenges when it comes to pleasing their partners. The trick to pleasing your woman in bed involves lasting longer in bed and being more creative particularly with regard to the lovemaking process. Read below to find out how to satisfy a woman in bed and learn some new tricks. The tips outlined will help you build sexual stamina and last longer in bed.

Important points to consider

1. No set number to sexual stamina – no fixed number is attached to sexual stamina. So, do not focus on a specific duration within which you will last. Focus instead on lasting longer. So, whether you would like to last for 5 minutes or 3 hours, it is all up to you.
2. Stress affects your stamina – Anxiety and stress are aspects that negatively lower your sexual stamina. So, relax and be more confident in your sexual abilities.

Highly Effective Ways To Last Longer In Bed

1. Switch Positions
If you have a feeling you are about to ejaculate too soon, it is a good idea to change positions. When you move around while changing positions, you will get the much needed breather that will enable you to regain total control. Doing so also allows you to discover the most effective positions that are easier for increasing sexual stamina.

2. Counseling
In case you are having stamina issues, it is recommended that you consult a mental health expert particularly if you are experiencing tobaseball stress, or other types of anxiety issues.

3. Take Preventive Action
To last longer and make your partner pleased with the love-making session especially if you have not had sex for a long time, have a masturbation session that will act as a preventative measure prior to going out on a date night. Usually the body is raring to go for anyone who has not had sex in a long time. So, having a masturbation session is highly effective for anyone who wishes to last longer.

4. Condoms
Condoms generally provide two main benefits for men who wish to maintain their erections for longer and have sex for longer. First, condoms reduce sensation and help you build sexual stamina in the process. Second, they protect you from STDs which is a concern that can greatly affect your sexual stamina.

5. Penis Pump
A penis pump is a very innovative device that is designed to increase penis size, although a good number of people attest to the fact it has also helped them last longer while having sex. So, consider using a penis pump and allocate a few minutes every day for using the device. Within a matter of weeks, you will be amazed by the improvements.

Most importantly, do not treat sexual intercourse as an occasion. Make it more enjoyable, fun and learn from the experience. Everything does not have to be perfect while you are having sex. Use each and every opportunity to learn new things while making love to your partner. The tips aforementioned will definitely bring back the action to your bedroom and your partner will never have enough of you.