PE Routines/Schedule for a year+

PE Routines for Months 0-3

The entire point of the beginner’s routine is to build you up to the point where you can work the tissue enough to hit strain metrics. While it is still possible to hit these metrics. More likely than not, you will not hit them until month 3. In the months following, however. They will be the determining factor for progressive overload.

You will still see changes in size in this period. Primarily through increased tissue flexibility and EQ (Erection Quality), making the gains pretty quick. It is pretty typical to gain .25 in your first 3 months. I gained .5 in my first 12 weeks, and I have seen some cases even higher with photo evidence, but they are outliers.

Everything below is 4 days a week, AKA every other day. After 4 weeks, take 1 week off to fully recover. Consistency is key. Pay attention to your flaccid the following days and nocturnal erections and morning wood.

Manuals Only

  • Semi-Erect Bends 3 sets 1 min 30 seconds rest
  • Tunica Shears 3 sets 1 min 30 seconds rest
  • BFR Massage 5 mins total 30 seconds rest
  • 10, 1-minute fatigue sets straight out manual stretches
  • 2, 5 min strain sets Straight out manual stretches
    Rest for all stretches is 15 seconds
  • Mod Jelqs For 5 mins total 10, 30-second Reps
  • OPTIONAL: BTC Stretch 10 sets 30 seconds each

Progression: Every 3 weeks, add one strain set (the 5-minute set) until you reach 6. (Every Month, Add 1 minute of Mod Jelqs, an additional 2 reps)

High Tension Device and Pump

Please be careful with your chosen method. There is no need to go beyond 4lb of tension in your first month. With your pump, do not exceed 6hg in the first month.

Angle does not really matter if you can only do straight down while hanging. It will be 99% as effective as straight out. At your current level but devise a way to hang straight out and move to a high-tension extender as time progresses.

  • Semi-Erect Bends 3 sets 1 min 30 seconds rest
  • Tunica Shears 3 sets 1 min 30 seconds rest
  • BFR Massage 5 mins total
  • OPTIONAL: BTC Angle 10 sets 30 seconds each
  • 10, 1-minute fatigue sets (straight-out angle preferred)
  • 2, 5 min strain sets (Straight out angle preferred)
    Rest for all sets is 15 seconds
  • Interval Pumping 2 min reps, 5 reps

Progression: Add one Strain set (5-minute set) every 3 weeks. Increase weight every 2 weeks until the load is at 5 lb of tension.

Low Tension Device and Pump

To lessen your time needed in the device, we will frontload fatigue. This will be a common theme with low-tension devices in my routine. I am sure many of you would prefer not to wear the device for an additional 2 hours.

Additionally, I will have you reset the tension multiple times throughout the day. I will give you a general guideline to shoot for, but I know wearing these discretely will make it hard for you to hit that exact time frame. Don’t sweat it too much; focus on the number of resets in general.

  • OPTIONAL: BTC Stretch 10 sets 30 seconds each
  • Semi-Erect Bends 3 sets 1 min 30 seconds rest
  • Tunica Shears 3 sets 1 min 30 seconds rest
  • BFR Massage 5 mins total
  • 10, 1-minute fatigue sets straight out manual stretches
    Rest for 15 seconds
  • 3 20 min sets (3 tension resets total)
    1 min rest
  • Interval Pumping 2 min reps, 5 reps

Progression: Every 3 weeks, add 20 mins of tension with one tension reset until the device is worn for 2 hours total.

PE Routines for Months 4-6

At this point, it is important we start tracking strain rate and fatigue rate at least once a week. As those studies laid out, we need to be between 4-6 percent strain. That means during a session, we want to be 4-6 percent longer than what we started the session at. Another metric we track is the Fatigue rate after the workout. This needs beyond 2% to show the tissue was stretched beyond the typical working zone. As this number gets closer and closer, 2% after a session. It is a good sign you need to take a week off. As you generated cumulative fatigue.

Like last time, 4 weeks on 1 week off. This is to be done every other day, but you will have a better idea of what your body needs. Some of you will need 5 days a week while others will only need 3 days a week. Pay attention to positive indicators and determine what is best for you, BUT REMEMBER, MORE IS NOT MORE.

Manuals Only

At this point, I highly recommend devices. It gets taxing and tedious as we continue. That said, I only used manuals for the first year and a half of my PE career. They work fine. The beginner’s routine is going to be very similar to what this is, with just more work.

  • Bundled Stretches 3 sets (each side) 1 min (30 seconds each side) 30 seconds rest
  • Tunica Shears 3 sets 90 seconds 30 seconds rest
  • Massage Under Tension OR BFR Massage 5 mins total
  • 10, 1-minute fatigue sets straight out manual stretches
    Rest for all sets is 15 seconds
  • 6, 5 min strain sets Straight out manual stretches
  • Mod Jelqs For 10 mins total 10, 60-second reps

Progression: This is when math gets involved. The target strain rate is 4-6%. If you fail to hit 4%, strain an entire week. Add an additional 5 min strain set.

High Tension Device and Pump

At this point, you should be above 5 pounds of tension. Remember, we are trying to fatigue the tissue, not strengthen the tissue. Do not add it blindly if you feel like you can manage more weight. This is why we track strain rate and fatigue rate. The numbers will tell you how to progress, not the arbitrary association with feeling.

  • Bundled Stretches 3 sets (each side) 1 min (30 seconds each side) 30 seconds rest
  • Tunica Shears 3 sets 2 min 30 seconds rest
  • Massage Under Tension OR BFR Massage 5 mins total
  • 10, 1-minute fatigue sets (straight-out angle preferred)
  • 6, 5 min strain sets (Straight out angle preferred)
    Rest for all sets is 15 seconds
  • Interval Pumping 2 min reps, 5 reps

Progression: The target strain rate is 4-6%. If you fail to hit 4%, strain an entire week. Add an additional 5 min strain set.

Low Tension Device and Pump

Like last time, we are still frontloading fatigue. 3-5 lb. of tension is the target strain. Do not over-exert beyond the trackable range (IE: Maxing out the red on the Phallosan Forte)

  • OPTIONAL: BTC Stretch 10 sets 30 seconds each
  • Bundled Stretches 3 sets (each side) 1 min (30 seconds each side) 30 seconds rest
  • Tunica Shears 3 sets 2 min 30 seconds rest
  • Massage Under Tension OR BFR Massage 5 mins total
  • 10, 1-minute fatigue sets straight out manual stretches
    15 seconds rest
  • 4 30 min sets (4 tension resets total)
    1 min rest
  • Interval Pumping 2 min reps, 5 reps

Progression: Target Length is 4-6% longer during the session. 2-4% after. Most of you will not be able to measure during easily. So, track with the after, the fatigue rate. If you do not hit the target metric for one week in a row, Add 1 30-minute set.

PE Routines for Months 6-12

This is where most guys will begin to see a slowdown in gains. At this point, you should be about ½ to ¾ of an inch longer than you started (if not more.) The initial flexibility and erection quality improvements would have reached “optimal levels,” so true tissue hyperplasia is the only avenue for growth left. While slower, research suggests that hyperplasia is indefinite. No genes regulate this kind of growth, but there is a loss in tissue sensitivity to growth factors with chronic exposure, which is a big reason we should take long breaks every 1 to 2 years of about 4 to 6 weeks. We will also add in some BFR at this level.

Manuals Only

  • Bundled Stretches 4 sets (each side) 1 min (30 seconds each side)
  • Tunica Shears 3 sets 120 seconds 30 seconds rest
  • Massage Under tension for 5 mins total
  • 13, 1-minute fatigue sets straight out manual stretches
  • 8, 5 min strain sets Straight out manual stretches
    Rest for all sets is 15 seconds
  • Mod Jelqs For 10 mins total 10, 60-second Reps

BFR CLAMPING or Manual Clamping is to be done 2 times a week for 10 minutes.

Progression: Like Last time, we are aiming for 4-6% elongation during the session and above 2% after a session. If you fail to reach elongation metrics. For a week. Either add 5 minutes of strain set or apply one of the troubleshooting techniques. Do not exceed 12 Strain sets in total.

High Tension Device and Pump

  • Tunica Shears 3 sets 2 min or Gua Sha Scrapes 50 reps each side
  • Bundled Stretches 3 sets (each side) 1 min (30 seconds each side, can be done in device) 30 seconds rest
  • Massage Under Tension 5 Mins
  • 6, 1-minute fatigue sets (straight-out angle preferred)
  • 8, 5 min strain sets (Straight out angle preferred)
    Rest for all sets is 15 seconds
  • Interval Pumping 2 min reps, 5 reps

BFR CLAMPING is to be done 2 times a week for 10 minutes.

Progression: The target strain rate is 4-6%. If you fail to hit 4%, strain an entire week. Add an additional 5 min strain set. Do not exceed 12 lb. with a vacuum hanger and 18 with a compression hanger. Do not exceed 12 5- minute strain sets. See the troubleshooting section to get back on target.

Low Tension Device and Pump

  • Bundled Stretches 4 sets (each side) 1 min (30 seconds each side) 30 seconds rest
  • Tunica Shears 3 sets 2 min 30 seconds rest
  • Massage Under Tension OR BFR Massage 5 mins total
  • 15, 1-minute fatigue sets straight out manual stretches
    15 seconds rest
  • 5 40 min sets (5 tension resets total)
    2-3 min rest
  • Interval Pumping 2 min reps, 5 reps

BFR Clamping 2 times a week.

Progression: The goal is 2-4% elongation after. Your session If you do not hit the target metric for one week in a row, Add 1 40-minute set. Do not exceed 6 hours of total device time.

PE Routines for Months 12 and beyond

At this point, the routine largely stays the same. I recommend switching to a girth focus (or taking a month off). This will make the length of work easier in the future. As we lose strength adaptation and also re-sensitize to the growth factors involved.

If you do choose to continue. It will be an uphill battle. I do not recommend going beyond 15 lbs. of weight. And I do not see the point of continuously adding sets. Going beyond 2 hours of high tension and 6 hours of low tension will be more work than it’s worth.

What I am really saying is it will be an uphill battle to fight your adaptation accumulation. Breaks are part of the process for linear gains.