2023 Product Update : Click here for new addition of HydroXtreme !
The main difference between the HydroXtreme series and the Hydromax series is that the former comes complete with a handball pump and numerous other series to ensure you have the most enjoyable and fulfilling penis exercising experience. In this HydroXtreme series review (formerly Xtreme series), we shall highlight some of the important features of the pumps in the series while letting you in on the performance details.
Multi-Functional Handball Pump
Of all the bells and whistles that come with the HydroXtreme pumps out of the box, possibly the biggest improvement has to be the handball pump. The pump boasts of a solid construction that will last many years without ever needing a replacement. The nicest thing about the newly added feature is that users can now attach the handball pump using the hose or leave it out. Using the new handball pump allows you to significantly increase pressure to higher levels. Moreover, it provides you an efficient way of pumping to boost the hydraulic pressure inside the pump.
Main Differences Between The Hydromax Series Pumps And Hydroxtreme Series Pumps
The cylinders of both the Hydromax series and HydroXtreme series pumps are identical in every way, including the comfort pads and the bellows system. The main difference can be seen in the style and design of the valve system. The valve fitted on the Hydromax series pumps is single purpose, meaning it is designed to eject water and prevent the loss of suction power. Even so, it has the capacity to hold the increased hydraulic pressure in the cylinder.
The HydroXtreme series pumps, on the other hand, incorporate a multi-function valve. The valve is designed to allow for the connection of the handball pump. You can either choose to connect the hose or do without it altogether. If you like, you can use your HydroXtrme pump just like the regular hydropumps. Apart from the difference in the valve design and the complete package of accessories you get with HydroXtrme pumps, you are bound to discover that these are essentially the same pumps.
Hydroxtreme Series Review (Formerly Xtreme Series): Final Words
If you have enough money to splurge then, by all means, go for a HydroXtreme series pumps. This is a smart investment choice. However, if your budget is limited, you shouldn’t worry because the manufacturer takes care of the needs of everyone. Furthermore, the pumps in this series are designed for the experienced men.
However, if you’re able to order a HydroXtreme series pump, you should follow the instructions and avoid pumping to the point where you begin to feel pain. When I started using my HydroXtreme pump, I over-pumped and I noticed some bit of water retention. Thankfully, this subsided in just a matter of hours and I was back to pumping again.
To be on the safe side, you need to start pumping slowly and progress to higher-pressure levels over time. In the first month of use, desist from using the handball pump. Only use it once you’ve gained enough experience with your HydroXtreme pump.