Bathmate is a leading brand in the penis enlargement and male enhancement world, thanks to its high effectiveness that is currently matched by no other device on the market. As has been proven through numerous personal accounts from different users all over the world, Bathmate pumps deliver on the promise, meaning users can look forward to noticeable girth and length improvements. If you would like to know what Bathmate result after one week that you can expect, then you can look forward to better erections, better sex, and you will be able to last longer in bed.
We have devoted quite a good number of hours in testing various Bathmate and Hydromax products and we have mostly been impressed by the outcomes, which actually shocked us in many instances. While you can notice some improvements in your overall sexual performance after using a Bathmate product for just one week, it is highly recommended that you maintain a consistent pumping routine over a period of 6-9 months if your desire is permanent results.
In my experience, the Bathmate and Hydromax pumps I used were able to provide the following benefits after a few weeks:
• Increased penis length
• Increased penile girth
• More powerful and intense orgasms
• Improved sexual stamina
• Stronger and harder erections that last longer than before
• A thicker penis even when in a flaccid state
While using the devices, we also noticed the following immediate benefits:
• User-friendly – it is actually easier to use a Bathmate or Hydromax pump than other male enhancement methods available on the market.
• It is so much fun and enjoyable to use. Using Bathmate, which happens to be a water-based penis pump, means your pumping sessions will be painless, which is a stark contrast from the vacuum pumps that caused so much pain to users during normal usage.
• The hydro pumps by Bathmate offer you a less costly option, especially if your goal is penis enlargement using a non-invasive solution.
Probably the most noticeable effect and also the one you would be most interested in knowing is that you can increase your penis size by 2-5% after a few minutes of pumping. Even so, the gains only last a day. If you want more permanent gains, it is recommended that you use your pump for several months consistently.
Quite a good number of Bathmate users have realized that long-term use produces greater benefits. Apart from performance benefits affecting sexual performance, some users have found that bent penis syndrome is rectified, as the device is able to straighten the penile shaft. Men with weaker erections have discovered that their erections are harder and feel healthier.
Summary: Bathmate Result after One Week
Even if you are just curious to find out what results you can expect after only one week of intense use of the Bathmate Hydromax products, you will pleasantly discover that the pumps produce amazing results affecting your overall sex performance. You will enjoy engaging in sexual intercourse and the fact that you enjoy longer lasting erections means you will be able to better please your partner in bed.